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Teddy Electric Heated Blanket
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An electric heated blanket is a type of blanket that contains electrical heating wires woven into the fabric. These wires are connected to a power source, usually via a detachable cord, allowing the blanket to generate heat when plugged in. Teddy Electric Heated Blankets typically come with adjustable temperature settings, allowing users to control the desired warmth level. They can be particularly useful during cold winter months or for individuals who struggle to stay warm at night. When using an electric heated blanket, it's important to follow safety guidelines provided by the manufacturer to prevent accidents or damage to the blanket. Designed with comfort in mind, this durable, breathable and ultra-warm electric blanket is perfect for all-year-round use. Running costs are as low as 1p per hour based on the latest UK energy tariff. Covered in a teddy fleece fabric for maximum cosiness, our teddy fleece electric blanket is perfect for the colder months. The electric blanket heats up in just minutes so that you can feel super cosy as soon as you get into bed. Warms up ultra-fast with advanced heating elements, and an easy-to-use remote control that features 3 heat settings and is detachable for washing. Interesting Information: Did you know that keeping an electric blanket on for 4 hours a day costs less than 10p? That's 70p per week and £3 per month. So much cheaper to run than putting the heating on and trying to heat an entire room. An electric blanket will keep you warm and cosy this winter. For Further Information Please Visit Our Website and BUY NOW:
Viewed by: 1993 visitors. Uploaded: 1 month ago
Published in: Online.
Published from: March 31, 2024.
Region: National
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